Thursday 2024-03-21 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-21
Thursday 2024-03-21 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, March 21:

  1. Fetching ML models under Bazel
  2. Hugging Face, the GitHub of AI, hosted code that backdoored user devices
  3. Researchers create AI worms that can spread from one system to another
  4. You Should Set ‘Anti-goals’ Too
  5. Financial systems take a holiday
  6. Building Meta’s GenAI Infrastructure
  7. Measuring Developer Productivity via Humans
  8. eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools
  9. LLVM’s ‘RFC: C++ Buffer Hardening’ at Google
  10. C++ safety, in context