Wednesday 2024-06-26 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-06-26
Wednesday 2024-06-26 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, June 26:

  1. Speed Up Your CI/CD Pipeline with Change-Based Testing in a Yarn-Based Monorepo: I note that only building and testing what changed is one of the core value propositions of Bazel, but adopting Bazel often requires large investment in engineering and training.
  2. What makes a good REST API?
  3. How to use DORA metrics to improve software delivery
  4. Don’t Get Lost in the Metrics Maze: A Practical Guide to SLOs, SLIs, Error Budgets, and Toil
  5. Static B-Trees

    In this section, we generalize the techniques we developed for binary search to static B-trees and accelerate them further using SIMD instructions. In particular, we develop two new implicit data structures:

    • The first is based on the memory layout of a B-tree, and, depending on the array size, it is up to 8x faster than std::lower_bound while using the same space as the array and only requiring a permutation of its elements.
    • The second is based on the memory layout of a B+ tree, and it is up to 15x faster than std::lower_bound while using just 6-7% more memory — or 6-7% of the memory if we can keep the original sorted array.