Wednesday 2024-06-19 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-06-19
Wednesday 2024-06-19 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, June 19:

  1. Arm64 on GitHub Actions: Powering faster, more efficient build systems

    Developers can now take advantage of Arm-based hardware hosted by GitHub to build and deploy their release assets anywhere Arm architecture is used. Best of all, these runners are priced at 37% less than our x64 Linux and Windows runners.

  2. Develop Kubernetes Operators in Java without Breaking a Sweat
  3. The Energy Footprint of Humans and Large Language Models

    Assuming an 8-hour workday and considering 260 workdays per year brings the annual energy cost of one person’s hour of daily work to around 6 kWh[a].

    Now for the energy cost of running an LLM. We have set a target of 250 words in an hour. LLMs generate tokens, parts of words, so if we use the standard ratio (for English) of 0.75 words per token, our target for one hour of work is around 333 tokens. Measurements with Llama 65B reported around 4 Joules per output token [4]. This leads to 1,332 Joules for 333 tokens, about 0.00037 kWh.

  4. Microsoft is reworking Recall after researchers point out its security problems

    Microsoft’s upcoming Recall feature in Windows 11 has generated a wave of controversy this week following early testing that revealed huge security holes. The initial version of Recall saves screenshots and a large plaintext database tracking everything that users do on their PCs, and in the current version of the feature, it’s trivially easy to steal and view that database and all of those screenshots for any user on a given PC, even if you don’t have administrator access. Recall also does little to nothing to redact sensitive information from its screenshots or that database.

    First and most significantly, the company says that Recall will be opt-in by default, so users will need to decide to turn it on. It may seem like a small change, but many users never touch the defaults on their PCs, and for Recall to be grabbing all of that data by default definitely puts more users at risk of having their data stolen unawares.

    The company also says it’s adding additional protections to Recall to make the data harder to access. You’ll need to enable Windows Hello to use Recall, and you’ll need to authenticate via Windows Hello (whether it’s a face-scanning camera, fingerprint sensor, or PIN) each time you want to open the Recall app to view your data.

  5. Building Generative AI apps with .NET 8