Wednesday 2024-07-03 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-07-03
Wednesday 2024-07-03 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, July 3:

  1. Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server: Part One – Jumpstart Error Handling
  2. Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server: Part Two – Commands and Mechanisms
  3. Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server: Part Three – Implementation
  4. SLICK: Adopting SLOs for improved reliability

    SLICK can help us locate metric and performance data regarding the reliability of a specific service just by knowing its name. It does this by building an index of onboarded services that link to dashboards with standard visualizations to analyze and assess the service reliability. So, with a single click, it becomes possible to know whether a service currently meets or doesn’t meet user expectations. We can then start asking why.

  5. Using Admission Controllers to Detect Container Drift at Runtime