Friday 2024-08-30 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-08-30
Friday 2024-08-30 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, August 30:

  1. Reimplementing A Linux Rust Scheduler In eBPF Shows Very Promising Results

    In conclusion, prototyping new schedulers in user-space using Rust and then re-implementing them in BPF can be an effective workflow for designing new specialized schedulers.

  2. Introducing Docker Build Checks: Optimize Dockerfiles with Best Practices
  3. Docker Scout Health Scores: Security Grading for Container Images in Your Docker Hub Repo
  4. 50 Years of Queries

    A discussion of the evolution of the database industry over the last half century, and why the relational database concepts introduced by E. F. Codd have proven so resilient over several decades.

  5. Operational and Analytic Data Cycles

    The relationship between operational and analytic data systems, and the challenges facing their implementation and management.