Thursday 2024-10-17 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-10-17
Thursday 2024-10-17 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, October 17:

  1. China Possibly Hacking US “Lawful Access” Backdoor

    The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Chinese hackers (Salt Typhoon) penetrated the networks of US broadband providers, and might have accessed the backdoors that the federal government uses to execute court-authorized wiretap requests. Those backdoors have been mandated by law—CALEA—since 1994.

  2. The second half of software supply chain security on GitHub
  3. For the first time since 1882, UK will have no coal-fired power plants
  4. Introducing Netflix’s TimeSeries Data Abstraction Layer
  5. Two never-before-seen tools, from same group, infect air-gapped devices