Monday 2024-10-28 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-10-28
Monday 2024-10-28 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, October 28:

  1. IPLS: Privacy-preserving storage for your WhatsApp contacts
  2. New discovery reveals how diatoms capture CO2 so effectively
  3. What Color is Your Function?
  4. Angular’s Approach to Partial Hydration

    Rather than fully hydrate the application immediately, partial hydration allows developers to identify portions of their application — maybe a footer or something that a user will not immediately need to see — and rather than ship all of the JavaScript in the app, it “hydrates” only the parts that are needed immediately.

  5. AWS Welcomes the OpenSearch Software Foundation

    OpenSearch, the popular open source, Apache 2.0-licensed, search and analytics suite, is celebrating a significant milestone - transferring OpenSearch to the OpenSearch Software Foundation, a community-driven initiative under the Linux Foundation.