Monday 2025-01-13 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2025-01-13
Monday 2025-01-13 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, January 13:

  1. Simple defer, ready to use

    With this post I will concentrate on the here and now: how to use C’s future lifesaving defer feature with existing tools and compilers.

  2. Cleanup Attribute in C

    In this blog post I explore __attribute__((cleanup(...))). I discuss what it does, how it does it, why use it, performance considerations, and finish by saying it’s absolutely fantastic.

  3. Debanking (and Debunking?): An entertaining and fairly deep explanation of what debanking is and why it occurs. And I learned a useful new word: sontaku.

    Japanese has a beautiful word, sontaku, for the attitude and actions a diligent subordinate would take without his superior’s explicit instruction, believing them to anticipate his boss’ desires. Sontaku is a core skill in the American professional class.

  4. Seeing like a Bank
  5. The Bond villain compliance strategy