Monday 2025-01-20 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2025-01-20
Monday 2025-01-20 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, January 20:

  1. The Boring Option: Migrating Segment Efforts Storage at Strava
  2. How do you test your tests?
  3. How Facebook keeps its large-scale infrastructure hardware up and running
  4. JUring: Experimental IO_uring For Java With Big Performance Gains

    JUring is a high-performance Java library that provides bindings to Linux’s io_uring asynchronous I/O interface using Java’s Foreign Function & Memory API. Doing Random reads JUring achieves 33% better performance than Java NIO FileChannel operations for local files and 78% better performance for remote files.

  5. How we built the GitHub Skyline CLI extension using GitHub