
Wednesday 2024-08-07 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-08-07
Wednesday 2024-08-07 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, August 7:

  1. US solar production soars by 25 percent in just one year
  2. Securely design your applications and protect your sensitive data with VBS enclaves

    Virtualization Based Security (VBS) is the core feature of Windows used to the high value secrets stored within Windows (e.g., Credential Guard). VBS utilizes the Hyper-V hypervisor to create an environment that is higher privileged than the rest of the system kernel. Like VM isolation, the hypervisor sets memory protections in the second level address tables and IOMMU tables to isolate this environment from the rest of the system kernel.

  3. Apple signs on to Biden’s responsible AI guidelines

    Apple now joins 15 other major tech companies, including Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft and OpenAI, in committing to responsible AI development and rollout.

  4. N3199: Improved __attribute__((cleanup)) Through defer: A proposal for a defer keyword in C. See also defer reference implementation for C.
  5. The C++ Object Lifecycle
Tuesday 2024-07-30 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-07-30
Tuesday 2024-07-30 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, July 30:

  1. Add AI to Your .NET Apps Easily with Prompty
  2. Google halts its 4-plus-year plan to turn off tracking cookies by default in Chrome
  3. AT&T failed to test disastrous update that kicked all devices off network
  4. No More Blue Fridays: It used to be that reliability was achieved by moving code out of kernel mode and into user mode. eBPF suggests an alternative: allow code to run in kernel mode, but in a sandbox.
Monday 2024-07-29 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-07-29
Monday 2024-07-29 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, July 29:

  1. rr

    rr aspires to be your primary C/C++ debugging tool for Linux, replacing — well, enhancing — gdb. You record a failure once, then debug the recording, deterministically, as many times as you want. The same execution is replayed every time.

  2. How we improved availability through iterative simplification
  3. Introducing Bazel 7.2’s Output Service protocol

    One of the exciting new features in Bazel 7.2 is support for the Bazel Output Service which allows Bazel to lazily materialize outputs when you access them with normal filesystem operations. This allows you to maintain visibility to the entire output tree while still saving network bandwidth.

  4. How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy
  5. What’s new in .NET Aspire 8.1 for cloud native developers!
Thursday 2024-07-25 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-07-25
Thursday 2024-07-25 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, July 25:

  1. Profiling in production to detect server bottlenecks
  2. OpenSLO

    OpenSLO is a service level objective (SLO) language that declaratively defines reliability and performance targets using a simple YAML specification.

  3. Understanding Java Garbage Collection Logging: What Are GC Logs and How to Analyze Them
  4. Using Kubernetes to rethink your system architecture and ease technical debt
  5. DevOps Practices for Continuous Deployment
Tuesday 2024-07-23 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-07-23
Tuesday 2024-07-23 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, July 23:

  1. Automerge is a library of data structures for building collaborative applications
  2. Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator

    Maestro is a general-purpose, horizontally scalable workflow orchestrator designed to manage large-scale workflows such as data pipelines and machine learning model training pipelines. It oversees the entire lifecycle of a workflow, from start to finish, including retries, queuing, task distribution to compute engines, etc.

  3. Key JVM Metrics to Monitor for Peak Java Application Performance
  4. “THANOS” — Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
  5. Reducing data transfer costs with a Docker registry cache